Friday, February 4, 2011

The Treeing Lab.
A few weeks ago I was visiting a friend in North Mississippi. I am a pipe smoker and I would to sit on the front porch to smoke. Across the road was a pecan grove. Each morning a young Labrador retriever, was out in the grove  treeing the local squirrels, and staying treed for hours. I am getting to old to do much hunting, but I could get to a treed dog. As an old coon hunter, I though this Lab. was just what I needed to get in the woods and do a little hunting. After a few days I went across the road and ask the lady if I could take the dog hunting.

She told me the Labrador had just showed up at her house a few months ago and she had been feeding it. If I wanted to hunt the dog [Sadie] I could and if I liked her I could keep her. That afternoon Sadie and I went hunting. She did not tree any thing, but hunted the woods just the way I wanted. Sadie would make about a five minute circle and return. Then she would check another area for about the same time. She hunted all the while.

We hunted for about an hour that day. The next day we were out at day light. Our first stop was in the pecan grove and she treed our first squirrel. I just waited for a while and watched her tree. The squirrel moved to another tree and Sadie followed. I watched her work for about a half hour and went in and it shot down to her. We got three that day. when I go back to the lady`s house I told her I was taking Sadie with me.

We hunt a lot of squirrels together. I would never believe that a Labrador retriever would make a tree dog, but I have one now. Squirrel Hunting is almost as much fun as following the coon hound. I do not have the great voice on trail, Sadie does not bark trail, but I have a great young tree hound.